Anne-Marie Murphy

Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 1994
NSW Bar: 2012
Also entitled to practise in all Australian jurisdictions (State, Territory and Commonwealth).

Previous Legal Profession
Solicitor for 18 years practising primarily in Family Law prior to commencing at the Bar in 2012.

Principal Areas of Practice
All areas of Family Law including all matters relating to children and child support; international and local relocation; child abduction and generally complex parenting matters including involving violence and abuse allegations and appearances as Counsel for Independent Children’s Lawyer.

Family Law Property settlements involving basic or complex legal issues for all parties including third parties and equitable claims; Kennon claims; cases involving orders sought pursuant to Section 79A and s.106B; spousal maintenance; child maintenance; DeFacto relationships including jurisdictional issues.

Matters under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.

Family Provision and claims based in Equity.

Court and Tribunals
Full Court of the Family Court, Family Court, Federal Circuit Court, Local Courts (including civil and criminal), NCAT, District and Supreme Courts with respect to domestic relationships, Equity and Family Provision matters; appearances in all courts for Applicants, Respondents, Plaintiffs, Defendants, Third Parties and children.

Throughout my professional career as a solicitor and barrister, I have engaged in numerous negotiations and mediations about property and children.

Professional Memberships
Member of the Bar Association
Member of the Family Law Section, Law Council of Australia
Member of the Women’s Lawyers Association (NSW)

Papers Delivered
3 March 2016: ‘’Analysis of Recent Family Law Property Division Cases”, Legalwise Seminars
12 June 2013 Update re Family Law, City of Sydney Law Society


T: (02) 9264 9444
F: (02) 9264 9449