Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 1999
NSW Bar: 2004
Barrister Type: Junior Counsel
Marcel Sahade
Admission Dates
Legal Profession:
NSW Bar: 1995
Principal Areas of Practice
• Criminal Law
• Commercial/Equity Law
• Land and Environment Court
• Appellate Advocacy
Academic Qualifications
• BSc (Syd)
• LawD
Stephen Russell
Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 1984
NSW Bar: 1984
Stephen Russell is a Sydney barrister with over 30 years of experience in the field of criminal law. A former State and Federal Prosecutor, he was admitted to the NSW Bar in 1984, and since 1986 has practised exclusively as a criminal defence lawyer.
During his time in practice as a criminal defence lawyer, Stephen Russell has appeared in most courts of NSW and is available to accept instructions with regard to all criminal cases in every criminal court from Magistrates court to Court of Criminal Appeal. He also appears regularly in the Coroners Court jurisdiction.
Academic Qualifications
• Bachelor of Laws LL.B (UTS)
Additional Areas of Interest
• Member of Rotary International and former President of his club. Charitable local and international community projects are regularly developed and supported.
• Member of Manly Surf Lifesaving Club.
• Surfing, golf, snow skiing and travel.
Anthony Parsons
Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 1999
NSW Bar: 2006
Anne-Marie Murphy
Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 1994
NSW Bar: 2012
Also entitled to practise in all Australian jurisdictions (State, Territory and Commonwealth).
Previous Legal Profession
Solicitor for 18 years practising primarily in Family Law prior to commencing at the Bar in 2012.
Principal Areas of Practice
All areas of Family Law including all matters relating to children and child support; international and local relocation; child abduction and generally complex parenting matters including involving violence and abuse allegations and appearances as Counsel for Independent Children’s Lawyer.
Family Law Property settlements involving basic or complex legal issues for all parties including third parties and equitable claims; Kennon claims; cases involving orders sought pursuant to Section 79A and s.106B; spousal maintenance; child maintenance; DeFacto relationships including jurisdictional issues.
Matters under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.
Family Provision and claims based in Equity.
Court and Tribunals
Full Court of the Family Court, Family Court, Federal Circuit Court, Local Courts (including civil and criminal), NCAT, District and Supreme Courts with respect to domestic relationships, Equity and Family Provision matters; appearances in all courts for Applicants, Respondents, Plaintiffs, Defendants, Third Parties and children.
Throughout my professional career as a solicitor and barrister, I have engaged in numerous negotiations and mediations about property and children.
Professional Memberships
Member of the Bar Association
Member of the Family Law Section, Law Council of Australia
Member of the Women’s Lawyers Association (NSW)
Papers Delivered
3 March 2016: ‘’Analysis of Recent Family Law Property Division Cases”, Legalwise Seminars
12 June 2013 Update re Family Law, City of Sydney Law Society
Catherine Lin
Admission Dates
- Legal Profession: 2011
- NSW Bar: 2013
Principal Areas of Practice
- Criminal Law
- Family Law
- Bankruptcy/Insolvency
- Medical Negligence
- Corporations Law
- Equity
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Law
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
- Local Court
- District Court
- Supreme Court
- Federal Court
- Family Court
Memberships & Panels
- NSW Young Lawyers
- NSW Bar Association
Foreign Languages
- Mandarin
Personal Summary
Catherine has significant experience in advocacy and advisory work.
Prior to being called to the Bar, Catherine worked within the Courts system which enabled her to gain invaluable experience as to the intimate workings of the administration of justice.
In 2013, Catherine was called to the NSW Bar.
Since then, she has practiced extensively in both the criminal and civil jurisdictions.
Practice areas in the civil jurisdiction include insolvency, bankruptcy, property (such as caveats and land title).
Catherine has also appeared in numerous criminal jury trials, sentences and appeals covering a range of areas including but not restricted to murder, drugs, sexual assault, physical assault and kidnapping.
In addition, Catherine has appeared in the appellate jurisdiction before the Court of Criminal Appeal and at inquiries including the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governace and Corruption. She has also been briefed to appear in ICAC inquiries.
Catherine has appeared in Canberra and is available to undertake regional and interstate briefs.
Catherine has delivered CPD presentations for BenchTV. She was a judge in the semi finals of the Negotiations competition the Australian Law Students Competition in 2014.
Jay Lawrence
Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 1990
NSW Bar: 2014
Jay has considerable experience in a variety of work as a lawyer before coming to the bar. Jay’s criminal work included prosecutions with the DPP and defense work with the Aboriginal Legal Service. Jay also practiced as an investigative lawyer with ICAC; in health law; and government law specializing in regulatory and oversight bodies. Jay has presented at seminars both within Australia and Overseas.
Since coming to the bar Jay developed a considerably wider practice in Criminal Law (including areas such as Inquiries). Jay’s criminal law practice includes all State and Commonwealth matters focusing on jury trails and appeals.
Jay also has a substantial practice in Family Law and appears at Federal Circuit and Family Courts in NSW and Interstate.
Additionally Jay periodically undertakes Administrative Law & Civil Law work.
Principal Areas of Practice
Criminal Law (All areas of Criminal Law, Sentences, Hearings, Jury Trials, Appeals, CCA)
Inquiries / Commissions / Coroner Inquiries/ ICAC/ Illegal Arrest & Detention
Family Law – all matters at FCCT and Family Courts
Civil Law
Administrative Law (including Professional Liability, Corporate Governance)
• Litigation – Corrupt/ Fraud Cases – (UNODC) South Africa
• Investigations/ Governance – APSACC – Sydney, Brisbane, Perth; Various Public Sector Agencies, Local Councils
• Governance / Anti-Corruption – International Delegates (incl. Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, China, Qatar, Kenya, Botswana, PNG, Solomon Islands)
• ANU Postgraduate – Legal Issues & Oversight of Investigatory Bodies
• Administrative Law – Various Public Sector Agencies, Local Councils
Academic Qualifications
BHA (UNSW); LLB, & Grad Dip Law (UTS); LLM (UNSW)
Francis Holles RFD
Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 1983
NSW Bar: 1990
Principal Areas of Practice
• Criminal Law
• Inquiries
• Consumer and tenancy Law
• Military Law
Academic Qualifications
Previous Occupations
Have worked in the legal profession since 1969.
• Jury Trials, Appeals and Sentences across all jurisdictions
• Fitness Hearings
• Inquiries, including Commission of Inquiry
Additional Areas of Interest
Advising on Administrative issues
Foreign Languages
• French
• Bislama
Significant Publications
Previous contributor to Butterworths Criminal Law and Practice [NSW]
Dr Thomas Hickie
Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 1983 NSW and 1989 Victoria
NSW Bar: 2001 NSW & 2009 England and Wales (Gray’s Inn)
Principal Areas of Practice
• Administrative and Constitutional
• Commercial
• Civil and Human Rights
• Criminal Law
• Industrial/Employment
• Inquests and Commissions of Inquiry
• Personal Injury
• Sports Law
Academic Qualifications
BA (Hons) LLB PhD (UNSW)
Previous Occupations
Dr Tom Hickie brings to his practice his background as a judge, barrister, solicitor, lecturer, author and sports administrator.
A former Judge of the High Court of Fiji as well as an ex officio member of the Fiji Court of Appeal, his ability to cover a wide of area of law was recognised when serving on the bench in Fiji where he delivered judgments covering administrative and constitutional law, commercial law, contempt, criminal law, discrimination, employment, human rights, tort (defamation, personal injury, medical negligence and road traffic matters), to estate and land law.
In 2009, he was Called to the Bar of England and Wales (Gray’s Inn) and joined 7 Bedford Row Chambers (one of London’s leading common law sets) where he remains a Door Tenant.
In 2012, he returned to Australia and the NSW Bar where he has a broad practice reflecting his wide ranging career and interests.
From 2016 until early 2019, Dr Hickie served as the part-time Independent Legal Services Commissioner for Fiji.
Memberships & Panels
• NSW Bar
• Bar of England & Wales
Dr Hickie is a past board member of the Lloyd McDermott Aboriginal Development Team (seeking to give talented Indigenous youth a future through education and sport), a Life Member of the Australian Society for Sports History and a member of the Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association.
Special Interest
As a member of the Bars of both NSW and England and Wales, he has practised in the area of Sports Law as well as been the Course Coordinator of ‘Sport and the Law’ at the University of NSW for over a decade (being jointly awarded in 2005 the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Sessional Teaching).
He also taught in the area as an Adjunct Professor with the Boston University Sydney Internship Program, as a Sessional Lecturer in the LLM distance program at the University of New England, as well as lectured to the Bars of NSW and Jamaica, and practitioners in Fiji.
Publications (since admission as a Barrister)
• Books
Donna T. Spears and Thomas V. Hickie, Criminal Law for Common Law States, LexisNexis Butterworths, Chatswood, 2009.
Thomas V. Hickie and Ian S. Lloyd, Criminal Law for Common Law States, 2nd Edition, LexisNexis Butterworths, Chatswood, 2014.
• Joint contributor
Thomas V. Hickie and Ian S. Lloyd (joint contributors ‘criminal law terms’), in R. Finkelstein and D. Hamer (eds) LexisNexis Concise Australian Dictionary, 5th Edition, LexisNexis, Chatswood, 2014.
• Articles
Book Review – Thomas V. Hickie, ‘Sports Law, 4th Edition, Simon Gardiner, John O’Leary, Roger Welch, Simon Boyes and Urvasi Naidoo (Routledge, London, 2012)’, Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal, (2012) Vol. 6, No 1, pp. 147 – 152.
Book Review – Thomas V. Hickie, ‘Reading Baseball: Books, Biographies and the Business of the Game’, Braham Dabscheck, (Fitness Information Technology, International Center for Performance Excellence, west Virginia University, Morgantown, 2011)’, Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal, (2012) Vol 6, No 1, pp. 153 – 155.
• Monographs
Thomas V. Hickie, Anthony T. Hughes, Deborah Healey and Jocelynne A. Scutt (eds), Essays in Sport and the Law, Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH) Studies Series, No. 24, Melbourne, 2008.
Mary Bushby and Thomas V. Hickie (eds), Rugby History: The Remaking of the Class Game, ASSH Studies Series, No. 22, Melbourne, 2007.
• Chapters in Books
Thomas V. Hickie and Mary Bushby, ‘Rugby at the Crossroads – A Case Study of Sydney University Football Club 1995-97: Grafting professionalism on to the amateur ideal’, in Greg Ryan (ed.), The Changing Face of Rugby, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2008.
Thomas V. Hickie, ‘Do What I Say, Not What I Do’: Is this the ‘Play True’ Reality of the World Anti-Doping Code?’, in U.Haas and D. Healey (eds), Doping in Sport and the Law, Hart Publishing, London, 2016
• Law Reports
Thomas V. Hickie and Marie Chan (eds), 2001 Fiji Law Reports, High Court of Fiji and University of South Pacific Bookshop, Suva, 2008.
Conference Papers / Presentations (since admission as a Barrister)
• 2018
Lecture/Address: “Aspiring to be a Lawyer? Problems and Prospects – It’s all okay!”, Bema Open Forum Presentation to students and staff, University of Fiji, Samabula Campus, Suva, Fiji Islands, 7 February 2018.
• 2017
Conference Paper: “Aspiring in Disciplinary Matters: The Good, The Bad and What about the Mitigation – a forgotten art?”, presented to the Fiji Law Society Conference, InterContinental Fiji Gold Resort and Spa, Natadola, Fiji Islands, 2 September 2017.
Conference Paper: ‘Coitus Interruptus, the Rhythm Method and Socrates’ Symposia in the Twenty-First Century’, 14th Annual International Conference on Law, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Business and Law Research Division, Athens, Greece, 10 – 13 July 2017.
Address: “Becoming a Lawyer’, oratory and the Law”, Presentation to students and staff at a launch of “The Bema” for law students, University of Fiji, Samabula Campus, Suva, Fiji Islands, 1 February 2017.
• 2016
Lecture/Address: ‘Sports, Sexism and the Law: Is Law part of the problem or part of the solution?’ Member of Panel of three speakers, Public Forum, Western Sydney University Law School, Parramatta, 28 April 2016.
• 2015
Joint Conference Paper (with Ian Lloyd QC): Commissions Fighting Corruption or Star Chambers? Some issues arising from the NSW ICAC Investigation into Margaret Cunneen’, 12th Annual International Conference on Law, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Business and Law Research Division, Athens Greece, 14 – 17 July 2015.
CPD Lecture: ‘Pre-Trial Tactics’, Fiji Law society, Suva 25 July 2015.
• 2014
CPD Lecture: ‘Does a Horse Have More Rights Than an Athlete?’, in-house CPD Seminar, 7 Bedford Row, London, 6 November 2014. Symposium Paper: ‘Doping in Sport: The Athletes’ Perspective’, ‘Doping in Sport Symposium’, UNSW Law School Division, 16 April 2014
• 2013
Forum Presentation: ‘Doping in Sport : The Athletes’ Perspective’, Member of Panel of five speakers, ‘Public Forum: Doping in Sport’, UNSW Law School Division, 10 October 2013. Conference Paper: ‘If Promoting Fair Play is the Basis of the World Anti-Doping Code then is it not Ironic that the Code is so Unfair?’, 10th International Conference on Law, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Business and Law Research Division, Athens, Greece 8 – 11 July 2013.
Lecture/Address: ‘Court Administration: Challenges for Courts in Remote Areas’, Presentation to a Delegation from the Curts of Justice, Thailand (40 Chief Justices from each provincial court in Thailand), UNSW Centre for Continuing Legal Education, UNSW Faculty of Law Kensington Campus, Sydney, 3 May 2013.
• 2012
Lecture/Address: ‘Rule of Law or Rule of the Mob? Challenges for Judges in a “coup” culture’, Presentations to a Delegation from the Courts of Justice, Thailand (40 Chief Justices from each provincial court in Thailand), UNSW Centre Continuing Legal Education, UNSW Faculty of Law, Kensington Campus, Sydney, 27 September 2012.
• 2011
Presentation of hypotheticals as part of a panel of barristers presenting a Summer CPD Sports Law Series, 7 Bedford Row Chambers for London practitioners.
‘Football Governance – Getting It Right or Getting It Wrong’, (Commercial, Company and Criminal Law), 8 July 2011;
‘Players Behaving Badly – Divergent Perspectives’, (Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence, Employment and Criminal Law), 30 June 2011.
• 2010
Presentation, ‘Courage and Fiji: A view from a former member of the Bench’, Association of Gray’s Inn Students, London, 27 April 2010.
• 2009
Presentation, ‘Courage and Fiji: A view from a former member of the Bench’, University of Western Sydney London Alumni, London, 6 November 2009.
In-house seminar, ‘An Introduction Sports Law’, 7 Bedford Row Chambers, London, 5 November 2009.
• 2008
Conference Lecture: ‘Challenges for Prosecutors: A View from the Bench’, presented to the 10th Annual DPP’s Conference, Yanuca, Fiji Islands, 10 December 2008.
Conference Lecture: ‘Recent issues in “Sport and the Law”‘, presented to the 10th Annual Attorney-General’s Conference, Yanuca, Fiji Islands, 28 November 2008.
Presentation, ‘Courage, Fiji and the Judicial Oath’, University of NSW Law Society, UNSW Law School, Sydney, 18 September 2008.
Joint Presentation with Justice Nazhat Shameem, ‘Contempt and the Media – the Do’s and Don’t’s’, separate presentations to journalists with Fiji TV, Fiji Radio and Fiji Times.
• 2007
Conference Paper: ‘Thank God for El Masri as Madame Defarge is alive and well and living in Australian Sport’, Sporting Traditions XVI Conference, The Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH), Canberra, 30 June 2007.
Lecture/Address: ‘Development of Sports Law’, presented to the NSW Bar Association, Sydney Downtown Mini Conference, 17 March 2007.
• 2006
Lecture/Address: ‘The Development of “Sport and the Law” Over the Last Four Decades’, presented to the Jamaican Bar, University of West Indies, Kingston, 15 July 2006.
• 2005
Conference Address: ‘Sydney University Football Club: A Case Study in Change Management’, to Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators, Melbourne, 25 August 2005.
• 2003
Conference Keynote Address: ‘The Amateur Ideal in the Era of Professional Rugby’, presented to ‘Rugby, History and the Remaking of the Class Game’, organised by the Australian Society for Sports History (ASSH), University of NSW, 8 November 2003.
• 2002
Conference Paper: ‘The PM, the Attorney-General and the Role of the Legal System: a clear vision and understanding’, presented to ‘Thirty Years Later: The Whitlam Government as Modernist Politics’, National Key Centre for Australian Studies and the Parliamentary Studies Unit, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Old Parliament House Canberra, 2-3 December 2002.
Brent Haverfield
Admission Dates
Legal Profession: 2001
NSW Bar: 2002
Principal Areas of Practice
- Crime
- Common Law
- Commissions of Enquiry
- Coronial Inquests & Enquiries
- Equity
Brent was a solicitor for seven years in private practice at Manly. Prior to entering private practice Brent was a police prosecutor for eight years including a period at the Coroners Court, Glebe.